Friday, 15 June 2012

Terms & Conditions

The Terms & Conditions have been posted out to the riders that we know will be coming on the ride and it will be added to the website but I felt while we are waiting for the website to be updated, it would be a good idea to add it here as well.

Cycle Across Oz
Terms and Conditions for all stages of the 2013 Ride Around Australia:

Health and Fitness Requirements
Riders must be at least 18 years or older on the day of commencement of the ride.
Participants must be in good health and physical condition and are strongly advised to follow a pre-departure fitness training schedule- see suggestions on website
On receipt of your Registration Form, Cycle Across Oz will send you or you can download from the website, a medical questionnaire to be completed by you or your doctor and returned to us as proof that you are fit enough to participate in the ride.

All riders must complete, sign and return to Cycle Across Oz the requisite medical questionnaire at least 30 days before the departure of Stage 1 of the ride. The ride generally goes through remote areas where there is little or no access to normal medical services or hospital facilities for serious problems. Where necessary, evacuation can be prolonged, difficult and costly. 
Medical and evacuation expenses will be the responsibility of the participant. Cycle Across Oz reserves the right in its absolute discretion to refuse a participant the right to participate in the ride on medical or fitness grounds.

Medical disclosure
You declare and warrant that: - you are in good health with mental and physical fitness at the time of registering for this ride - you have disclosed to Cycle Across Oz every matter concerning your health and mental and physical fitness of which you are aware, or ought reasonably be expected to know, which is relevant to Cycle Across Oz’s decision to permit you to go on the ride - immediately upon any adverse change in your health or fitness you will notify Cycle Across Oz in writing of any such adverse change.

Do you have private health insurance? Yes No 
Name of fund                                                  Contribution number 
Do you have Travel Insurance (Highly recommended)? Yes No
Name of Insurer
Do you have ambulance cover?                       Inscriber number
Medicare number                                              Contribution number

Emergency contact person and contact number (please supply 2 persons) 
1st contact
2nd contact 
Please list any relevant medical conditions.
Do you suffer from the following conditions? 
Heart disease Yes No
Diabetes Yes No 
Epilepsy Yes No 
Asthma Yes No 
If Yes for any of the above, what is your current treatment prescribed:

Please list any food or medication allergies:  Yes No

Name:_______________________ Signature___________________ Date____________________
Expiry date: ___/____

Suggested Equipment
From past experience, riders do tend to bring more equipment than they need. As we are limited for room, it is important that you keep equipment to a minimum. 
Cycle Across Oz will only carry a maximum of 15 kgs per rider which includes all camping equipment but not your bicycle.

Essential items are
Multi tool Patch kit and spare tyre, 2 tubes, spare cables, spokes and nipples. 
Bike lock & pump 
HELMET- must be worn in Australia whilst riding. 
Minimum of 2 water bottles. 
Tent, Sleeping mat & sleeping bag 
Crockery & cutlery for one 
Insect repellent & sunscreen 
Clothing & toiletries 
All bicycles must be fitted with a mirror or helmet mirror.
This MUST fit into one bag per rider- sausage bag or equivalent. If using panniers, no more than four will be carried in vehicle. 
No bicycle boxes, bags or cases will be carried by Cycle Across Oz.

Safety Recommendations
Riders MUST have
1. Efficient front and rear lighting which MUST be switched on in conditions
of poor visibility. 
2. Bright coloured clothing & bike helmet must be worn at all times whilst
3. A reflective vest is highly recommended.
4. Riders must ensure they remain hydrated at all times and ride in single
5. Riders must be aware that roadtrains,up to 52 mts in length, uset hese
highways and it is recommended that riders must take necessary
precautions to ensure their own safety. 
6. Safety mirrors-no mirror,no riding. 
7. All bicycles should be in first-rate mechanical order.If the bike is over 5
years old, all cables should be replaced, this is not too expensive but can be if left unattended. Worn chains and cassettes & brake blocks should also be replaced. Book in to your local bike shop for last minute maintenance. A limited supply of spares are available & spare bike carried in the event of a total breakdown.
8. At the discretion of Cycle Across Oz the route/direction/distance may be altered according to weather & road conditions

Persons entering the 2013 Ride Around Australia Bike Ride must agree to the following:
 • I understand that cycling on public roads is a potentially hazardous activity. 
• I attest that I am physically fit and that my bike will be in a sound mechanical order prior to undertaking the event.
• During this event I agree to wear a cycling helmet, abide by the directions of police and ride organizers and ride with care and consideration of others on the road. 
• I release Cycle Across Oz, its owners and agents from all claims for injury, loss or damage of whatever kind I might suffer as a result of any acts or omissions whether negligent or otherwise of Cycle Across Oz, its owners or agents in relation to the event.
• I also accept responsibility and release Cycle Across Oz from all liability for claims for damages for injury loss or damage of whatsoever kind by any other person or corporation as a result of any act of omission whether negligent or otherwise on my part.
• I have also read, understood, and agree to abide by, the Terms and Conditions of entry for the 2013 Ride Around Australia. 

 I have read and understood the Safety Recommendations suggested by
Cycle Across Oz and will adhere to them. I acknowledge having read this Waiver Agreement, fully understood it’s terms and sign freely and voluntarily without any inducement.

Name (please print): 


Witness name (please print): 

Witness Signature:

Photocopy, keep one copy & post original to:
Cycle Across Oz c/o Collis Ivey 58 Mentone Parade Mentone Victoria Australia 3194

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